February 10, 2010

Fee Fi Fo Fum

I smell a candle yum yum. I love candles, good smelly ones that smell like Christmas or baked goods. Something that smells like spices and cinnimon and apples or sugar cookies and hazelnuts. I am NOT a fan of candles that smell like old lady perfume.

No offence

I love old people but certain scents are discontinued or sold by the gallon for 10 bucks for a reason, they are not exactly good scents anymore. Reminds me of makeup. Some makeup stinks and people think gee my face smells guess I'll spray more perfume..Umm why not take the gunk off (mini rant) any how....

The smell of cotton scented candles should be clean and odorless, not smell like deoderized fem. products. I have allergies, sinus gunk and severe gag reflux so guess how my afternoon with the lovely ladies candles has gone.

Yep its an all out war, do we really need three of those plug in candle melts, they are on..



Along with the pellet stove, my senses are being asaulted. So I have the door open, window open, fan on and a pot of tea brewing.


Victory will be mine! ;)

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