January 11, 2010

Hello my name is...

Momma squirrel. No not really but thats what I named the blog and this is why.

My kids love Elmo, mostly my youngest son, he adores Elmo and because hes still a baby his speech is such that hes says Melmo, lol. Anyhow Elmos theme song is la la la la la la la la, Elmos world, la la la la la la la la Elmos world, da da da da da, la da da da, Elmos world, Elmos world. Or something like that. Anyhow my older preschool aged son thought it was Momma Squirrel, lol. Like do do do do, momma squirrel, lol.

So his new go to word for some time has been momma squirrel, whether hes being silly and having a barrel of laughs or trying to be serious and give you the big buzz off in toddler talk...momma squirrel holds the ultimate insult or pickme up, lol.

So thats how I got the name, for now. Altho he thought the other day momma squid was funny too, given the choice between cute and cuddly or slick and slimey I'll stick to momma squirrel :)

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