January 13, 2010

Im dreaming..

Of flip flops and koolaid. No really I'm so tired of this cold weather, sure a couple weeks ago I was stoked about snow but these super summer sun shiney days with a wind chill of 18 degrees is frosting my arse. Not to mention the kids need to run and running in the house is just not a good idea with two tiny dogs a cat and a baby crawling on the floor, let alone a napping grandpa.

So I put on some capris, sluffed my heals, repainted my toe nails, made a jug of koolaid, put on some lotion and walked around the house like its spring. Then bundled the kiddos up and pushed let them outside. We played soccer in the back yard and I stood shivering in my flip flops, but I sported a darn good pedicure, got a dose of vitamine D and in my mind I was on a beach somewhere sipping a fruity drink getting a tan.

It worked *sort a*

So let the countdown to summer begin, only another 150+ days

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