January 25, 2010

Nanner bread

Okay I have tried many banana bread recipes and all have been good but this takes the cakes, seriously you'll go bananas for it. HA HA

Okay so here goes (thanks to my online bud Misty for this recipe)

"The recipe goes in this order...
Beat (with mixer on low to med) together:
1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla
Then add & beat:2 ripe bananas - mashed
Then add & beat:1/4 cup & 1 TBS of whole cultured buttermilk
In a seperate bowl, mix together:
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 3/4 cups plain/all purpose flour
Add to wet mixture and beat.
Fold in 1/2 cup of chopped nuts (I use walnuts, any will work).
Grease and flour large loaf pan. Pour into loaf pan no more than 3/4 full.
Bake at 325 for 1 hour 15 minutes. Cool for about 10 minutes and then remove from pan.

Here are a few tips that make this recipe even better. Make sure you follow the steps in this order instead of just throwing it all together and then beating it. Won't turn out good. Use WHOLE cultured buttermilk - fat free or reduced fat will make a difference and doesn't turn out as good. Make sure you don't use self rising flour in place of the all purpose with baking soda and salt. Most recipes it doesn't matter but this one it does. It definitely turns out different and not near as good. Start checking doneness by inserting a toothpick into center after about an hour since ovens do vary so much. You don't want to cook it too long and dry it out. If you use a small or medium loaf pan, you will have extra batter. Instead of throwing it out, spray muffin tins and bake for about 17-19 minutes on those."

I dont have any pictures to share, we ate it up that fast but we make this often here now. Thanks again Misty from NC!

*Buttermilk makes a huge difference in this recipe as opposed to others so if you dont have buttermilk and can't find any you can make your own by curdling your milk with 1 tblsp fresh squeezed lemon juice to 1 cup milk. Let sit 10 minutes before adding into your recipe. Enjoy!

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