January 5, 2010

New blog...

Welcome to my New Blog, a new year, a new blog.

Seemed fitting. I started my older blog a couple years ago and long story short I didn't like it, have time for it, and had messed it up. I tried to salvage it but after I got some googles stats of some of the FREAKS out there landing on my blog, let me repeat...


I thought it was time to close it. Seriously all you need is a few posts about breastfeeding, nipples and potty training and you'd be surprised what kind of things people are looking that just might land on your blog looking for some triple X things, I will now be more careful with my pics and names but dang.. Doesn't mean I wont mention things like that and share pics and things in the future because this blog is afterall my thoughts and stories; written by a mother, a wife and a woman. There are somethings I have learned about blogging in that time is you have to spend time at other blogs and participate in bloggy things to get people interested in you, or moi. People dont want to read anything monotone, preachy or long (there goes my blog, lol). So I will keep this short and oh so exciting.

I hope :)

So welcome to my blog, a place for me to decompress, have a time out, sip my chai and relax...enjoy the ride.

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